Kāinga Ora is looking at the feasibility of redeveloping state houses in Ruakākā as part of constructing more warm, dry and modern homes in light of a growing waiting list for public housing.
The government agency manages 27 properties that house about 95 people on Peter Snell Rd, Tamingi St and Tiki Pl in Ruakākā and held a hui recently to update tenants about its future plans.
Kāinga Ora Te Taitokerau acting regional director Taina Jones said as the people most directly impacted by any redevelopment, her staff always spoke to their customers first and would seek input from them as well as from mana whanua.
She said it was important to note that no decision has yet been made to redevelop those houses.
"If redevelopment is confirmed at a later date, we will support our customers through the rehousing process and make sure they are moved to a home suitable to their needs.