Powerlifter Trish Mulrock became hooked on powerlifting in the 1990s after a friend encouraged her to give it a try. Photo / Michael Cunningham
Powerlifter Trish Mulrock became hooked on powerlifting in the 1990s after a friend encouraged her to give it a try. Photo / Michael Cunningham
Northland powerlifting dynamo Trish Muldrock has done it again, lifting herculean amounts of weight to win her weight division at the NZ Powerlifting Championships.
The 67-year-old Kerikeri resident lifted more than five times her bodyweight during her three events on Tuesday - squatting 70kg, bench pressing 57.5kg and deadlifting 120kg for a total of 247.5kg.
This won Muldrock her weight class and best overall master 3 women's at the Palmerston North event between August 1 to 5.
Muldrock said it was "a good day".
"It was good considering our short build-up. I had a new programme with a new trainer.
"I have lifted a tiny bit more before but that was sometime back."
Other Northland lifters who took part in the event were Stephen Pickens, Tony Urlich, Hone Williams, Nyima Tsering and Bryan Barrett in the men's and Ali Cosner and Janelle Abbott in the women's.
Muldrock said she is now finished competing until September when she'll have a crack at the National Bench Press Championships.
She will then likely be selected for the Commonwealth Powerlifting and Benchpress Championships held at the Vodafone Events Centre in Auckland from November 28 to December 4.
Trish Muldrock, pictured at the National Classic Powerlifting Championships in Whangarei, recently won her weight division at the NZ Powerlifting Championships in Palmerston North. Photo / file
Powerlifting is an individual sport where the goal is to lift the most amount of weight in the squat, bench press, and deadlift.
Powerlifters are ranked in body weight and age categories and have three attempts to reach their maximum weight.
At 1.5m tall and weighing in at just 47kg, Muldrock has bench pressed 85kg, squatted 115kg, and deadlifted a whopping 137.5kg.
Muldrock, a personal trainer at Community Fitness gym in Kerikeri, started the strength sport in 1998.
"A friend talked me into having a go because he thought I was strong. I got hooked.
"I like the challenge and the discipline and catching up with people at the comps.
"I still play social hockey, have played touch and rugby... I've done the odd running and tough mudder events - whatever's going."
Over the years, Muldrock has clocked up a host of powerlifting titles.
Muldrock has won medals at 10 worlds, including one open and nine masters powerlifting championships, and holds seven world records.
She won gold at world masters championships in 2006 at Miami, in Slovakia in 2008, in 2014 at the Czech Republic, in 2015 at Denver, and in Estonia in 2016.
She bench pressed her way to gold at the New Zealand Bench Press Championship in Hastings in 2018 and at the national bench pressing competition in Whangārei the same year.
Muldrock said she appreciated the support from her gym, her Kerikeri training partners and trainer Kevin Strachan.