Nothing says 'Christmas is coming' quite like when you first see the old advert for Scorched Almonds come on air for yet another festive season. A disarmingly cute child is shown wrapping up each almond individually then finally, after scoffing most of the packet, addressing one to 'Mummy AND Daddy'.
I can relate. I bought five over-sized Toblerone chocolate bars in a bout of early Christmas present buying, wrapped them up and then ever since, I've been unwrapping and devouring them.
Ever since my metabolism started catching up with me, I've raged against my addiction to chocolate, and the socially unacceptable crimes it has compelled me to commit on its behalf (namely stealing other people's supplies). Recently, though, I have made peace with my sweet tooth and decided that if one must have a defining flaw then chocolate must surely be better than P or vodka.
But making peace with my habit doesn't make it any easier to live with, especially for others. My husband has become rather jaded with the way his supply of chocolate seems to be constantly falling off the table or out of the fridge at the exact moment that I happen to be walking past, yawning. Well, it's hardly my fault if the damned stuff just tumbles into my mouth quite by chance now, is it?
The other night while catching up with a former flatmate, I listened as her little sister complained bitterly about her own housemate from hell who would not only help herself to other people's chocolate but would then eat the entire packet, replace it ... and then eat the whole lot all over again. The little sister relayed the story with a sense of horror and disgust.