It is a universal truth that as life and the responsibilities in it expand, some priorities will slip down the list, and others will drop right off.
Never an enthusiastic supporter of today's obsession with staying fit and working out, I quite happily put exercise in the "would if I could, but can't so I won't" category after having a baby and returning to work.
My husband, meanwhile, has remained more committed to the retention of his pre-baby body (yes, men have them, too) and despite far more responsibilities at home, he still manages to squeeze in a run around the block with the dog or a bi-weekly mission to the gym.
But lately as his work commitments have increased too, he's taken to endearingly apologising for his body, which looks to me exactly as it always has but as we all know it's not how the world or our wives see us, it's how we see ourselves.
Last night, however, he added a caveat to his apology, saying, "it isn't so bad for a business body", to which I added the rejoinder that it teamed up nicely with my impressive "working mother's body".