It might seem awfully unkind to say it, and not at all PC, but I resent babies. Not because of who they are as dewy-faced individuals (that would be unkind), but what they get away with.
At this time of year in the middle of wedding season when it feels like I am being pulled in a million directions and juggling the workload of 10 men, I can't help getting peeved every time someone pops into the studio with a baby, or I see one being pushed past me in a pram, screaming and demanding something of insignificance which nobody (least of all its mother) can figure out, although she'll die trying.
I don't resent babies because I want one (oh no). It's simply because I want to be one.
I want to have a meltdown in the middle of the street, to stop abruptly, to slam on the brakes of life, look heavenward and just howl for no reason at all.
There are a number of reasons I won't do this, not least among them that it's generally considered socially unacceptable to do so.