It seems in this situation, the law is an ass.At the risk of poking a feline hornets' nest again, there are a couple of points about Paihia's cat colony that need airing.
Firstly, I have been taken to task for insinuating that the Paihia cats are feral, and breed.
Those who care for them assert they are stray - not feral.
A well written letter (published in full in tomorrow's Advocate) from Carolyn Ravlich states: "There are three legally recognised categories of cat in New Zealand; Domestic, Stray and Feral cats.
The definitions of feral cats under the Animal Welfare Act 1999 states Feral Cats are designated pests and therefore subject to control under pest management strategies operated by DoC. Feral cats have none of their needs met by humans. Domestic and stray cats (as in the Paihia stray cat colony) are protected by law. They have their needs met by humans, are desexed and cared for daily."