Tau simply cannot take a role in the Treaty negotiation process. Pakeha need to take heed of Maori tikanga.
Well, pakeha have tikanga too, and it is not "tika", it is not right to have Tau sitting at the negotiation table.
It would give Ngapuhi a bad name, pure and simple.
The Minister of Treaty Negotiations will have no difficulty communicating this with Tau.
What will be interesting is what is communicated to Tau from his peers, from his runanga, his whanau.
Sonny (Raniera) Tau holds many positions within Maoridom in Northland, and nationally.
His questionable view not that long ago was that it was okay to hunt kukupa. His view on whether he should relinquish some of his many leadership roles will not be conventional.
Who will be brave enough to tell him it's time to go?
Tau's mana is dented, not destroyed, and he has experience and knowledge that can contribute to Ngapuhi prosperity. But he has fallen from grace, and now faces a fresh allegation.
Some will say it will be practical to wait for the outcome of that allegation before a view is formed on what should happen. Others will disagree.
There is strong sentiment building now that it is time for him to step aside as a leader.
Not just within Tuhorunuku.
It is also time for someone else to step up, and for a new era of Ngapuhi leadership to commence.