Next week the Northern Advocate is publishing a special Hundertwasser issue. It will include the good, the bad, and - depending on your personal tastes in architecture - possibly the ugly.
We figure, if it's a hot topic during an election, then the voters should be better informed than they are now, so they can vote wisely.
We've got answers to more than 70 questions we put to the Whangarei District Council about everything ranging from queries about cost, hotel chains and donations so far, to "can we have our 'work do' there?".
We're also inviting you, our readers, to express your view, and Whangarei's mayoral candidates will throw in their two cents worth. Along with, I'm sure, a few political candidates.
Plus we'll publish detailed plans for the art centre building and photographic images and mock-ups of what the art centre would possibly look like.