It's A reflection of the weird and wonderful world of local body politics that a candidate forced to withdraw from an election still got more than 1000 votes.
And in the most competitive voting ward in Whangarei, as well.
Go-Whangarei candidate Angela Gill was able to vote in the 2016 local body election because she is a permanent resident of New Zealand. But because her citizenship paperwork had not been rubber stamped at the time she was nominated as a candidate, the rules dictate that she can vote, but cannot be voted for. That's harsh.
It's not the only quirk that this wee conundrum threw up - after Mrs Gill's withdrawal Go-Whangarei continued to promote her as a candidate.
She was featured on election hoardings as part of a Go-Whangarei Okara quartet, and continued to be promoted on the team's website.