I'm going to plant a vege garden.
I was on speakerphone and as the words left my mouth I was pretty sure I heard both my parents falling off their chairs.
You see, unlike the rest of my entire family, I do not have a vege garden. Truth be known, I don't really have a garden at all to speak of, but I have finally decided that it's time to get my hands into the soil and enjoy that satisfaction everyone speaks of - the satisfaction of eating something from your own garden, of cooking with the freshest of ingredients.
I've already been offered some herb cuttings and after recovering from the shock, Dad said he could supply me with some good old sheep manure and some wonderful years-old sawdust which he reckoned would negate the need for getting in topsoil.
This vege garden has been dreamed of and talked about for many years. I've gratefully accepted tomato plants from colleagues who have assured me they require minimum fuss. I'm all about minimum fuss in the garden so I happily carted them home. Alas, those wee plants never really had a chance.