Frankly, it should have happened a lot sooner than this.The budget proposition to have free medical care for under-13s, from next year, is a stunning move by the Government.
Frankly, it should have happened a lot sooner than this, either by this Government or the previous one. It means about 400,000 children can now go to the doctor for free.
I'm guessing it is a reflection on the surplus the Government says it has to dish out, but it's also an election year, and a family-friendly budget can score points with the voters and yet again take the wind out of social policies Labour may have wanted to broadcast, or already mooted.
Labour have argued that the Government is "borrowing" from Labour's policies for this budget, and sure, probably.
But while I was wondering if they would give some love to paid parental leave, the free doctors' visits and prescriptions for under-13s was a surprise.