I have to say that after speaking to a number people who attended the Whangarei District Council meeting last week concerning the Hundertwasser Prosper North proposal and others, I felt disgusted at the attitude of a number of councillors and their actions, which I believe were totally unprofessional and descended into levels of abuse and behaviour that would have been more appropriate in a kindy.
That aside, their inability to collectively visualise the bigger picture and the ensuing economic and social benefits for Whangarei that the Hundertwasser would bring to this this provincial city astounds me.
Phil Halse and his cronies for some reason fail to see this. As for Wally Yovich's comments re "lightweights" in the recent Northern Advocate letters column, I find this extremely offensive to the talented business people, prominent professionals and passionate residents in Whangarei that are the visionaries behind this initiative - what gives him the right to say this about people?
All this delay may produce a question behind some of the funding.
It has become apparent that the ratepayers of Whangarei will now "foot the further bill" for approximately $180,000 for a referendum and study in March 2015 (that's five months away) for a decision that should have have been made long ago by councillors.