Once a centre of defence against a Japanese attack, Peria looks unscathed and tranquil today, with the picturesque St Barnabas' Church emerging from the morning mist. Photo / Clare Wilkinson
Once a centre of defence against a Japanese attack, Peria looks unscathed and tranquil today, with the picturesque St Barnabas' Church emerging from the morning mist. Photo / Clare Wilkinson
A project using the skills of volunteer researchers to identify places associated with World War II in Northland is turning up gold.
Only a month or two since it began, the Heritage Inventory — which is overseen by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga — is shedding light on some of the unique places and personalities associated with war defences in the North.
"Northland was identified as the most likely point of attack from the Japanese during the early years of World War II. It was believed they would invade from the north and push south to take Auckland.
As a result, much of New Zealand's defence preparation focused on Northland — and it's this that we want to learn more about," volunteer Heritage New Zealand researcher Jack Kemp said.
"We've had a tremendous response from people so far who have been very generous with their knowledge about the network of defences in the north, as well as the personalities who served."
One of these people is 102-year-old Tom Trigg of Kaitaia, who clearly remembers his time during the war. As a farmer, Tom was ineligible to serve overseas, so instead he and others in similar situations served in the Home Guard.
Tom Trigg, aged 102.
With Tom looking after the farm, his younger brother Eric was permitted to fight with the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force overseas and Eric sent regular letters home from the frontline.
At the age of 20, Tom lived in the Peria area west of Taipa, and like many locals was a skilled horseman. Because his platoon was the Mounted Rifles, show jumping, hurdles and carrying ammunition were all part of his training, along with mastering his regulation .303 rifle.
"I remember trips to the firing range at Kaitaia where training included firing over water to approximately 200 yards," says Tom.
"We would fire 10 rounds at rapid fire, which was done so many times I had a sore jaw afterwards."
Tom Trigg during World War II in battle dress.
The Peria camp was based in the centre of Peria township and consisted of a hall and a cookhouse at the rear, with stretchers placed around the walls for sleeping, and a mess table down the centre for dining.
Whenever Tom was absent on horseback treks for the Home Guard — which could last two to three days at a time — his wife Bertha had the task of milking, with assistance from Tom's father.
The treks sometimes took Tom and his comrades as far as Kawakawa, Okaihau and Kaeo, with his platoon staying in woolsheds or other buildings that might be available along the way.
"Although there is nothing left of the Peria camp, capturing this information from Tom has helped fill in gaps in our knowledge, and has provided additional insight into the high level of commitment and skill of the Home Guard men," Mr Kemp said.
"Tom was also able to share a number of interesting details highlighting the relative informality of rank within the Mounted Rifles. On joining the Mounted Rifles, for example, he used his own saddle, though Tom was later issued with the correct military saddle.
Tom’s medals from his service with the Home Guard.
"This was later swapped for an officers' saddle — even though, strictly speaking, Tom's rank was still a private."
Although Tom's duties involved many monotonous hours of observation and carrying messages, it wasn't all hard yards.
Tom recalls an incident after a visit to the Kaeo Tavern in which his platoon was riding up the hill when some wag fired a shotgun, startling the horses — and the troops. The hill was called Shotgun Hill after that.
Another one of Tom's tasks was also to man the observation post at the mouth of the Taipa River estuary.
"There were usually four of us rostered on duty to observe any lights of the enemy out to sea. Many a night was spent in the bush relaying messages from Kaitaia to Kaeo," he said.
"One night two of us borrowed a dinghy from Jim Taylor who lived near the bridge, and managed to catch 18 snapper by the cockle beds there."
The recruitment poster asking Kiwis to join the Home Guard.
Dances were also common, with Tom — no slouch on the dance floor — a regular participant.
For Tom, the end of the war came in 1946 when he was formally discharged at Kerikeri, and he recalls a good time being had by all following the official dismissal.
"The day after I was back on the farm and straight into milking cows," he said.
Tom's story, and the information provided about the Peria Camp, is pure research gold according to Mr Kemp.
"It's great that people like Tom and many others have been able to share their stories and information, but we'd love to hear from even more people," he said.
"Our focus is to capture this information and personal recollections from people connected with these World War II camps."
Anybody with any information about military bases in Northland during World War II, or other related information, can contact Bill Edwards on bedwards@heritage.org.nz or Ph 094070471.
WHO WERE THE HOME GUARD? Formed in 1940 along the lines of the British example, the Home Guard was at first voluntary with a lower age restriction of 15 and no upper age limit.
Members of the Waikato Home Guard train in 1940.
From 1942 it became compulsory for those between the ages of 35 and 50. Initially the guard were not supplied with uniforms and had to make do with an armband.
For a long time there was a shortage of weapons and they depended on rifles provided by civilians. However, by 1943 training and resources had improved so that almost 100,000 guardsmen had uniforms.
The basic unit of the guard was the platoon. Platoons were intended primarily to provide defence of their own localities, although some also patrolled on deserted beaches.
At their greatest strength they included 119,000 guardsmen — 7.5 per cent of the population, more than double the proportion of the Home Guard in Great Britain.
■ Anzac Day, on April 25, marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I and the Northern Advocate will have more coverage of the New Zealand war effort in coming weeks.