Frontline police numbers in Northland have dropped by 19 per cent over six years, causing one MP to question the funding put into the thin blue line.
Northland had 140 general duties constables in July 2009, but statistics released by Te Tai Tokerau MP and Labour Party police spokesman Kelvin Davis showed that over six years this number had gradually dropped to 114 in April 2015 - a 19.29 per cent decrease.
Mr Davis said more funding was needed to increase these numbers to ensure police were able to do their jobs to the best of their ability.
"Overall there has been a $300 million cut in funding for police since 2009 and a $15 million cut in this year's Budget. They're asking police to do more with less," he said.
The latest police statistics for 2014 showed while 14,897 crimes were reported in Northland only 6458 were resolved.