After years of campaigning for all farmers to fence wetlands or stream edges off from stock, cow effluent continues to flow downstream, says Millan Ruka of Environment River Patrol - Aotearoa.
Ruka regularly patrols waterways feeding in and out of the intricate Hikurangi swamp network and downstream into the Kaipara Harbour via the Wairua and Northern Wairoa rivers.
Many farmers have taken responsibility and fenced off waterways properly, but others have put in only rudimentary measures that do not stop cattle getting into the water and some have done nothing at all, Ruka said.

Two weeks ago a kayak paddle of the Kauritutahi Stream for 3km downstream from Poroti revealed cattle grazing unfenced banks, causing erosion and sediment and pollution to flow down to the Waipao Stream, and onward.