With schools and daycares closed, parents at home, and the option of taking kids out and about off the table - Northland parents have had to get creative with ways to keep children entertained.
Todayis the third day since alert level 4 - lockdown - has been in place, but schools have officially been closed, for all students other than the children of essential service workers, since Tuesday.
• Colouring-in - if you don't have pencils or colouring-in books at home - there are apps and websites you can use; or if you have a printer you can print out pages from online.
• Painting - if you don't have paint at home you can make your own by mixing half a cup each of flour, water and salt; dividing it up; and then adding food colouring.
• Nature art - kids can use leaves, sticks, and flowers to create images of faces, insects, or animals.
• Origami - have paper lying around? Why not get the kids to do some origami. There are lots of videos online to refer to.