I'm a personal trainer who has grown and evolved over the 16 or so years in this industry. Birthed purely from my own need to provide a duty of care that has an ever-growing understanding and depth to it, I'm hungry for any new information which may help me
Corinne Austin: We need to stop chasing pain, ask why it's happening
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Long term pain and disease is an inflammation problem. Because inflammation itself creates pain. And if inflammation cannot clear then it produces more pain. Photo / Getty Images
There are too many frustrated bodies and minds out there disappointed that the solution to their woes and struggles hasn't been simple, and concerned that this might be "their lot".
And this is where every one of us needs to understand our own bodies on a whole new level. A comprehensive level that considers every part of our current and past existence, and every part of our current and past health.
In undoing our woes, pain, symptoms and struggles, we need to look at the whole lot. Big picture treatment requires big picture investigation. We need to stop chasing the pain or the symptom and consider why it might be sending us the messages it is.
For instance, if your body is sore, and has been sore for some time, be it in localised spots, be it with repeated niggles, or be it with endless and inexplicable tenderness, tightness and restriction, there is one thing that is certain - it isn't simply a musculoskeletal problem.
It may have been to begin with, but if musculoskeletal work isn't able to relieve it or eliminate it, then it is definitely worthwhile thinking outside the box.
Long term pain and disease is an inflammation problem. Because inflammation itself creates pain. And if inflammation cannot clear then it produces more pain – despite the fact there wasn't an original trauma or injury to that site in the first place.
To cast you a great analogy, it's like your car battery running flat without recognising that there was something that must be draining the battery.
It could be that the battery is old and needs replacing. But, for the most part, when our battery goes flat it can be for any number of reasons.
And to look solely at the battery and place the emphasis on treatment there may miss the very reason it's actually being drained.
So where can we go if we know there's inflammation?
The immune system – what is alerting the immune system to be on constant defence? As soon as we turn on our defence channel and system our inflammation is on quick release.
Stealth infections – viral and bacterial infections we have stumbled upon in our life still inhabit our body. They are stealth – they will hide and avoid traditional treatments. And when we are stressed or run down they'll activate and reappear. Think Shingles.
Toxic loads – we are exposed to more toxicity today than we've ever been. Whether it goes in our mouth, on our skin, or up our nose, it still goes into our body. We accumulate toxins, and they irritate and inflame our body.
Food sensitivities – if suddenly we are reacting to a food, even in a small way, that has never given us a problem before, this is a typical sign of our gut not being as healthy and robust as it should be. Leaky guts create inflammation and inflammation creates a leaky gut – a bit of a gnarly cycle.
Chronic incessant stress – this one probably doesn't need much explaining, as it has almost become normal life. But throw an unforeseen pandemic and a few big natural disasters amongst the lot and our stress loads become even more real.
Stress puts our body into defence, and as soon as we start defending inflammatory chemicals are released.
Poor lifestyle – we can all admit there are things in our lifestyle that aren't promoting good health. Committing to an 80/20 lifestyle whereby 80 per cent is good stuff and 20 per cent is the "live a little" stuff, we can certainly act to promote reduced inflammation.
Unresolved trauma – a biggie that not many realise. But that childhood trauma you've carried and not really spoken about, or the sudden death of a loved one that you haven't grieved properly, they create biological changes within your cells which alter the health throughout you.
Lymphatic system – it's our transport and waste system. If this is stuck, it promotes the build up of toxic matter and cellular byproducts. If it can't get out it'll make us ill. Illness is created by and creates inflammation.
Breathing patterns – it's an involuntary body action but due to our stress loads and busy lives not many of us actually breathe properly today. Our shortened breaths signal to our body that we are under stress. Stress means our vital organs receive less blood, nutrients and energy – and this can lead to illness.
Addressing pain and disease is the difference between addressing the symptom, or addressing the cause. Let's start thinking differently …
• Corinne Austin is a health and movement coach (corinne@fitfixnz.co.nz).