Next month's Tokafest is set to deliver a fantastic day with Kiwi and international acts performing.,
The small grassroots community festival at the Tokatoka Tavern, Kaipara, on Saturday, March 7, came about when a group of local musicians got together and came up with the idea to create the event.
With a collective approach and working alongside local event management company KP Productions to put on the festival, it now attracts a diverse crowd from all reaches of the Kaipara, and beyond.
A stellar line-up of original Northland bands, musicians, and DJs - including Andy James, Flaxnation, The Seams, Twintastix, Topaz, Hide and Tallow, Topaz, Luna, as well as Auckland singer/songwriter Sunny Ray, and touring international musician Brian Ernst (US) - will perform this year.
With a circus zone, African drumming, flax weaving, a kids space, and an open stage, the vibrant local arts and culture on display will create the atmosphere for some great entertainment.