Supermarket chains arguing against new liquor rules for Northland have been told to "respect the democratic process" by an alcohol harm-minimisation group.
Progressive Enterprises, which operates Countdown, and Foodstuffs, which owns New World and Pak 'n Save, lodged appeals with the Alcohol Regulatory Licensing Authority moving to block two Northland councils from implementing new rules restricting supermarket liquor selling hours. Ratepayers would now have to fork out to defend the appeals.
Far North District Council settled on opening hours of 9am to 10pm for off-licence liquor sales, while Whangarei District Council went for the slightly more restrictive 9am-9pm. The new hours formed part of councils' provisional Local Alcohol Policies (LAPs), developed over several years in consultation with the public. Currently, default selling hours were 7am to 11pm for off-licences.
Alcohol Action Tai Tokerau (AATT) spokeswoman Ngaire Rae said the chains should withdraw their appeals.
"They should have good corporate and social responsibility and accept the hours that the people of Whangarei, Far North and their representatives have chosen," Ms Rae said.