Health, happiness and security are three basic human needs that we all seek out. When we lack any one of these, our lives feel an emptiness we often can't define. The ideal for us would be to discover something that could address and fulfil all three of these human needs.
Carolyn Hansen: The gym offers way more than physical fitness
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Consistent action in a gym just three days a week for 30 minutes can put both your body and your mind in the best shape ever. Photo / Getty Images
With gym dedication, you will get in shape and you will quickly learn the effort you put in produces the results you experience (a valuable lesson to apply in all aspects of your life).
Just consistent action three days a week for 30 minutes can put both your body and your mind in the best shape ever.
Strong Discipline: It takes a healthy dose of discipline to consistently ward off the temptations and blockades that life throws our way daily. Using discipline to get to the gym when all our friends are headed off somewhere else builds our "discipline muscle", the muscle that helps us succeed in all other areas of our life.
If we can apply this healthy determination and attitude at the gym, we can apply it in other areas of our life – work, hobby, relationships, play.
Expand your circle of friends and influence: Friends make us happy. It's that simple, and you can't have too many friends! Allowing new friends into your life opens the door to a better life, and who knows what surprises they may have in store.
But you cannot meet them if you are sitting on the couch watching yesterday's dramas on TV. Life is about living, about being active and involved now.
A gym membership allows you to meet others of like mind, a whole community of individuals, interested in improving their lives – their health and fitness.
A real boost in energy: Many people use the excuse that going to the gym will deplete their energy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Going to the gym is the quickest way to boost energy levels and kick metabolism in.
Our hormones respond with love and our body is filled with hormonal heaven. Our productivity and mental focus increase as well.

Self-esteem and self-confidence rise: Going to the gym is the best way to achieve that body you will feel proud of. And, when you feel proud of your body, you hold yourself more erect, exude self-love and attract those on this same level of success.
Your self-esteem levels soar, and you will approach all situations feeling happy and confident. There is nothing like loving the image you see in the mirror. And, along with this, you will develop a healthy dose of appreciation for all the hard work you have put in to achieve it!
You will make better food choices: When you are actively trying to shape up physically, you will naturally begin to gravitate to healthier foods because you know that all the work at the gym is for naught without a proper diet.
You will soon discover that your body won't have to work as hard if your toxic load is light. The foods your body craves will be those that not only make you feel full, but power your body with high-octane fuel as well.
Better and deeper sleep: A good night's sleep is mandatory for a great day's success, and the best way to reduce unneeded stress. Tests done on insomniacs proved they slept longer and deeper when they hit the gym regularly.
Without stressful thoughts running amok through the hallways of our minds, disturbing our peace and keeping us awake, falling asleep becomes easier too.
Extended lifespan: Less stress means longer life and the more friends we have, the happier and more content we feel, and the gym offers both. Combine these factors with the healthy, fit body and mind that the gym provides, and we have a sure-fire way to enjoy and extend our years.
Exercise has been shown over and over to drastically reduce a multitude of health conditions and diseases. It is the direct path to mental, emotional and physical health and quality longevity of life.
If you are ready to quit making excuses about your life and take responsibility for it, if feeling happier, healthier and more in charge of your life are high on your priority list, look no further than your local gym.
Whether your goal is to tone and strengthen your muscles, lose excess weight, or experience an improvement in your overall mental, emotional and physical health, a gym membership is your golden ticket to all three.
• Carolyn Hansen is co-owner of Anytime Fitness