Embracing and honouring personal commitment is what empowers us to triumph Photo / 123rf
Embracing and honouring personal commitment is what empowers us to triumph Photo / 123rf
"Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
This empowering quote clearly reveals that the initial path to our goals, dreams, visions, and ideals is internal and lies directly in our hands.
Once we have used our imagination to"image in"/envision and set our desired goal mentally, it is our level of determination and commitment to action (determined commitment) that decides when, how or even if we arrive. There is no shortage of definitions for "commitment" on the net…
Here are a few – The energy to transform promises into reality. How powerful is that? Commitment empowers us to create.
The tenacity to stick to achieving goals long after any initial excitement wanes. Excitement is temporary and contingent on outer influences. It must be supported by internal commitment to stay the course.
Speaking powerful and empowering words that declare our intentions. Words carry power and our personal stamp. Expressing powerful statements help keep us tethered to our commitments.
Having a pledge or commitment to a specific cause or person. This is the vision we carry in our hearts. "The daily triumph of personal integrity over scepticism. A sceptic is seen as a disbeliever and or one who only believes based on firsthand physical evidence.
Since scepticism can be a positive action, the quote might read better if cynicism (defined as: "an attitude characterised by a general distrust in others) were used in place of scepticism. Our personal integrity speaks volumes to others about our values, honesty and moral character.
The "invisible" stuff that forms and shapes our character. Our level of integrity, loyalty, devotion, sincerity, self-control etc. "Invisible stuff" includes biological and social factors too – religious beliefs, education levels, family traditions and global culture and customs all fall in this list.
It is our individual experiences and lifestyle habits that we are subjected to daily that likely have the biggest impact when it comes to moulding our personalities/character.
And finally, a personal favourite – A promise to stick to our chosen path, no matter what obstacles appear to distract and derail us.
Sometimes we push our personal commitments and obligations to the back burner in favour of some momentary distraction that concerns others or even personal issues that arise in our own space.
Learning to say "no" to unnecessary external demands on our time is mandatory (barring any true emergencies of course).
Committed people are "dedicated and loyal to a cause or person." They do not get derailed. Photo / 123rf
We need to release all negative notions about "letting others down" if accommodating their request means eliminating our own needs. When we veer off our committed path, the only one we let down is ourselves.
If we truly have our best interests at heart, a simple twist of perception to "success comes from supporting and focusing on ourselves first" is key.
Once we have our "personal house in order," we can focus on helping others, not until then. Putting others' needs before our own is the clear path to guilt, frustration, resentment, overwhelm and defeat.
Determination paired with commitment is a dynamic duo when it comes to manifesting. Meetings (business and personal), conferences, playdates, parties, and appointments of all kinds come with obligations and commitments built-in.
It takes a healthy dose of unflinching determination paired with a commitment to see things through without interruption. This is what opens the door to success, allowing it to take centre stage.
Personal discernment is a powerful tool to develop and use when it comes to deciding when and how to spend our time and energy.
Our personal values of integrity, trust, honesty, and honour are wrapped up and put on the line when we commit to ourselves or someone else.
Should we break our commitment, our own values take a negative hit, guilt messes with our confidence and self-esteem and others lose valuable trust.
How many times have we made promises to ourselves that this is the day we begin healthier habits such as taking up a challenging exercise routine (you know, the one that's been on the "back burner" of our minds for a while now) only to be derailed by someone else's request for help or some other flimsy excuse not to?
Committed people are "dedicated and loyal to a cause or person." They do not get derailed.
Embracing and honouring personal commitment is what empowers us to triumph. Not giving into excuses or doing for others.
It is important to remember that great changes do not happen overnight. However, determined desire and committed focus cause even the most difficult situations to bend and change.
Although desire may be the initial energy behind creation and an important element when it comes to motivation, it's determination, commitment to excellence, and the unrelenting pursuit of our goals (action steps) that keep it all glued together until we attain the success we seek.
With hefty doses of patience, resilience and tenacity thrown into our mixture of determined commitment, a true fortress of powerful productive energy is in place and working for us.
"The only limit to our impact is our imagination and our commitment."