A girl from Kaitaia is one of four 2015 Child Cancer Foundation national ambassadors chosen to represent the children who are supported by the organisation
Te Paea Rameka, 8, has a smile that has charmed the many nurses, doctors and other health professionals she has seen while undergoing treatments for a Medulloblastoma brain tumour.
When Te Paea was 7, she began getting headaches, which the local doctor initially thought was a viral bug. After several days of headaches, she had stopped eating and getting her to drink was difficult. After tests, the family was taken by ambulance from Kaitaia Hospital to Whangarei Hospital where the tumour was identified through a CT scan.
From then "things were a blur" for Te Paea and her mother, Arerina Rameka, with an immediate transfer to Auckland's Starship Hospital and straight into the operating theatre to relieve the pressure on her brain.
"I guess I was in shock, one minute we were at the doctor's, then the hospital, then on to a helicopter and then in another hospital in a different city with about 20 people in the room with us and then Te Paea was taken into the operating theatre," Ms Rameka said.