Young people across the Far North are being called on the step up for the district's youth council.
"The youth council works to create a sense of connection between everyday people and FNDC," Blair Kapa-Peters, a former Far North Youth Council member said.
"It's a great way to get interested in local democracy," Kapa-Peters said.
New council members aged 12 to 24 are being sought.

Far North Youth Council (FNYC) members work together in a range of areas. One key area is learning more about participation in local government through engaging with Far North District Council to advocate for initiatives supporting the district's youth.
"Before I joined the youth council I had no experience of working with local government ever before or even really knowing much of what council was about," Kapa-Peters said.
"I was skeptical at first, but being on the youth council opened up all these other opportunities."
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The council was set up by the Far North District Council (FNDC) in 2016 to give local young people a greater say in how their district works.
Kapa-Peters represented FNDC's Te Hiku ward on the youth council, with the group for four years from ages 20 to 24 when she reached its upper age participation limit.
She said Far North youth should make the effort to get involved in their local youth council.