Over 4000 men are diagnosed annually with prostate cancer and currently, more men are dying from it than women from breast cancer. However, survivor numbers are high, so much so that there are currently 30,000 men in NZ living with it.
A lot of men believe that while being treated for cancer, or recovering, it is important to rest, but research shows that tailored exercise is hugely beneficial. Being active can help manage some of the common side effects of treatment, speed up recovery and improve quality of life. Research suggests exercise may help lower the chances of cancer returning in some people by as much as 50-60 per cent.
So how can exercise ease common side effects of cancer treatment? Here's a few things to note:
• Fatigue – feeling tired, even when rested, is common in people with cancer. Sometimes this can last for months after treatment ends. Staying active can help ease this fatigue. Even though it sounds counterintuitive, doing some low intensity exercise not only helps you maintain your fitness and strength, but can also lead to a reduction in cancer-related fatigue
• Loss of muscle strength – if your muscles aren't being used as much as usual during and after treatment, they can get weaker. Loss of muscle strength is a side effect of some types of hormone therapy and steroid treatment. Strength training will help maintain your current strength and can make your muscles stronger
• Loss of bone strength - cancer and its treatments, particularly radiation therapy, can have long-term effects on bone strength. Some types of hormone therapy may also cause bones to weaken and break more easily. Exercise that requires you to support your own body weight, including resistance training or weight training, will help keep your bones stronger and healthier
• Mental health – feeling anxious or depressed during and after diagnosis is common. Exercise encourages the brain to produce chemicals (endorphins) that can improve your mood
• Quality of life – a good "quality of life" means you are able to do those activities that make your day-to-day life enjoyable. Studies have shown that physical activity, at any level, can help individuals enjoy their lives more. To take advantage of this awesome opportunity contact Waikeri at waikerib@sportnorth.co.nz or 022 487 8692.
For more info on the Prostate Cancer Foundation's Prost-FIT programme go to https://prostate.org.nz/