Ready to run at Bream Bay College's Tide's Out fun run and walk last Sunday are Cameron Mooney (left), Connor Hall, Joseph Brady, Tommy Ryan, Josh Lansdown, Scott Crawley and Annabelle Toms.
Ready to run at Bream Bay College's Tide's Out fun run and walk last Sunday are Cameron Mooney (left), Connor Hall, Joseph Brady, Tommy Ryan, Josh Lansdown, Scott Crawley and Annabelle Toms.
With competition from the Pink Loop breast cancer fundraising walk in Whangārei and the Auckland Marathon on the same day, numbers were slightly down for this year's Bream Bay College's Tide's Out fun run and walk last Sunday.
Just under 250 people entered, compared to around 300 last year. Butthe emphasis was on fun, says organiser Sharon Carroll, and she had plenty of messages and comments after the event saying what a great day it had been.
Money raised from the day will go towards equipment and trip costs for students, as well as garden supplies for working bees.
Teacher Vicky Shandil was the lucky winner of the early bird draw for running shoes from Smiths Sports Shoes and Jennifer Burchett won the child's prize of a Chromebook, sponsored by Bream Bay Realty.
Fire brigade commitment honoured
Ruakākā Volunteer Fire Brigade's deputy chief Colin Turner received life honorary membership along with his gold star for 25 years' service at the brigade's service honours night earlier this month.
Brigade chief fire officer Darrell Trigg says the gold star is a real achievement with less than 5 per cent of people who join either paid or volunteer brigade service achieving the award.
Darrell Trigg and Colin Turner at the Ruakākā Volunteer Fire Brigade's service awards evening. Photo / Peter Davies
Colin's wife Barbara was also recognised with an award for all her support. Their children, grandchildren and friends were at the awards ceremony to see the couple honoured.
"Over the 25 years, Colin's attendance at trainings and callouts was 99.7 per cent," said Trigg. "He still maintains that commitment to the brigade and community."
The evening was a worthy way to celebrate such an amazing contribution to the Bream Bay community, Trigg said.
Fire brigade service honours begin with a three-year certificate, with a medal for reaching five years. Every two years after that is recognised with a silver bar, until you reach the gold star. From there, you receive a gold star for every two years until you retire.
Other notable achievements recognised at the Ruakākā brigade evening included a 14-year long service and good conduct medal for station officer Warren Marshall, a 40-year certificate for operational support officer and ex-deputy chief fire officer Terry Baylis and a two-year gold bar for operational support officer Ken Clark.
Lambs and goats on show
Calves are now permitted back to agricultural show days, with precautions, but will but it was all still all lambs and goats at Ruakākā and Waipū School's recent event.
At Ruakākā's show day last Friday, just 12 lambs and one goat were led around the show ring for judges to inspect.
Eden Tuck gives her lamb a hug after calling it. Photo / Helen Kay
Winners were: Most obvious pet – Tyson O'Neill, Holt Cup/junior champion – Yvette Cartwright, National Bank Cup/senior champion – Tayla Batten, overall champion – Tayla Batten, overall reserve champion – Yvette Cartwright, champion goat trophy – Eloise Grieve. At Waipu School, prizes awarded for lambs were: McKenzie Endeavour – James Lynch, Goodground most points first year competitor – Mila Tonkin, Best Meat – Lucy Troost, Best Wool – Mila Tonkin, Bream Bay News Cup for best senior lamb – Lucy Troost, Bream Bay News Cup for best junior lamb – Mila Tonkin, Reserve champion lamb – Mila Tonkin, Millar Trophy for champion lamb – Lucy Troost, College trophy for year 9-13 – Alex Lynch. In the goat section, awards were: Jensen Trophy for endeavour – Mia Macartney, Kids 1st Childcare Trophy for most points first-year competitor – Isla Cullen, Van Blommestein Cup for best-reared goat – Ava Pullan, Reserve champion goat – Liam Hansen, Glengarry Cup champion goat – Ava Pullan.
Parkinson's support group gathering
Bream Bay's Parkinsons Support Group will celebrate the end of 2019 with a festive lunch on November 15 at Waipū's Salt N Pepper cafe;$20 per person, all welcome. If you would like to attend RSVP to Barbara Leslie 0275306221 by November 11. The next support group event is their five-year birthday celebration at 10am on February 21 at 50 The Centre Waipū.
Both our Bream Bay surf life saving clubs will be signing up new members at Labour weekend. If you would like to sign up or find out more, call in at Waipū Cove Surf Life Saving Club between 1pm-2pm on Saturday, or 1pm-2pm on Monday (Labour Day). Ruakākā Surf Life Saving Club's Open Day is this Sunday from 10.30am.
Feast of Garden Colour
Marsden Bay Garden Club's annual flower show is coming up on November 8 and 9 at the Ruakākā Memorial Hall on Sandford Rd.
The club recently celebrated its 60th anniversary and has 129 members, a large group of enthusiastic gardeners who love exhibiting their flowers, vegetables and fruit in all their colour and variety.
The show is open from 12pm-3.30pm on November 8 and 9am-2pm on November 9. All visitors are welcome. For more information, email
Church gala
The Lifepoint Church annual gala is on November 9 from 9am-1pm at 300 One Tree Point Rd.
Look out for the annual "Swap and Shop" and fill a shopping bag for $2 or check out the car boot sale and stalls. If you would like to book a spot to sell goods (all sorts welcome – food, plants, books, bric-a-brac, art, small businesses) contact the church through their facebook page.
Donations needed for the Swap and Shop – you can drop off to Margo (phone 4328392), Taina (0211123604) or drop at the church.
Doggy fundraiser
Give your dog a day out and take him or her to Ruakākā Dog Rescue's Hot Rod fundraiser on November 9 at the Ruakākā Village Green from 10am. Check out the cars and raise money for a great cause. There will be face painting, children and dog lucky dips, sausage sizzle, a wheelbarrow raffle full of goodies – and Peppa Pig will put in an appearance. Family and dog-friendly event, gold coin entry.
• Email Julie Paton at if you've got Bream Bay news to share with Advocate readers.