Sixty teams took part in the centre pairs at the weekend. Sixteen teams qualified in the men's section and six in the women's. In the men's final between Gordon Bond, Dean McMurchy, and Kevin Robinson and Wayne Wrack, Bond began with singles on the first four ends and after eight ends the score was 8-5 to Bond.
On the seventh end they scored three shots and on the ninth end four shots to give them a handy 13-5 lead. Robinson then scored on the next four ends to bring the scores to 13-10 and two shots each on the next four ends resulted in a victory to Bond and McMurchy by 1-12. Outstanding lead bowls by both teams saw the head change on almost every end. The skips also chipped in and the strategic driving and outstanding draw shots delighted the crowd.
In the first round of post section play, Nelson/Brewster (Hikurangi) beat Collett/Hamlin (Whangarei) 24-14; Dunn/Connell (Onerahi) beat van Haaften/Bowmar (Onerahi) 18-7; Robinson/Wrack (Maungaturoto) beat Bowick/Horscroft (Onerahi) 22-5; Doreen/Lawrence (Hikurangi) beat Webb/Lewis (Arapohue) 22-8; McMurchy/Lyddiard (Kensington) beat Booth/Tito (Mangawhai) 15-14; Mitchell/Wyatt (Hikurangi) beat Reesby/Walker (Leigh) 14-13; Bond/McMurchy (Kensington) beat Trimmer/Nicholson (Kamo) 24-7; Fitness/Cameron (Hikurangi) bt Hunt/Williams (Mangawhai) 20-17.
Round 2: Dunn beat Nelson 17-14; Robinson beat Dorreen 18-15; McMurchy beat Mitchell 22-14; Bond beat Fitness 14-12.
Round 3: Robinson bt Dunn 20-16; Bond bt McMurchy 14-7.