A Far North man struck trouble while boogie-boarding in surf and a visitor from Taranaki swam out to help him.
Whangarei police spokeswoman Sarah Kennett said the 38-year-old Kaitaia man struck trouble at Rarawa Beach, about 10km northwest of Houhora, at 2.50pm on Sunday.
Last month 54-year-old Virginia Lee Smith, from Rawene, drowned after getting caught in a rip while boogie-boarding at Takou Bay in the Far North.
In the latest incident a 43-year-old visitor, from New Plymouth, swam out to the man who was being dragged in a rip about 30 metres offshore. Mrs Kennett said police were contacted but, before they launched a rescue, the man who struck trouble on the boogie-board was able to surf back into shore.
The second man, who was a competent swimmer, made his own way back to the beach.