About 34 swimmers turned out to the annual New Year's Day sunrise swim out to and around Motu Arahi in Paihia. Photo / supplied
About 34 swimmers turned out to the annual New Year's Day sunrise swim out to and around Motu Arahi in Paihia. Photo / supplied
About 34 swimmers turned out to the annual New Year's Day sunrise swim out to Motu Arahi island just off Paihia beach.
Spokeswoman and local swim coach Karen Markin said the group set off at 5.50am on January 1 and managed to get a great view of the sunrise beforeswimming around the island and back to shore.
The full circuit is just under 2km.
Conditions were perfect, with a slack tide and no wind or cloud, she said.
"It was an absolutely fantastic way to start the year, let alone the new decade. It puts you in a good frame of mind to start the year - you feel at one with nature. It was excellent."
The swimmers indulged in a shared breakfast, with home baking, coffee and bubbles on their return.
It's the ninth year the local swimmers have been taking part in the event.
The social group meet regularly to swim together in the sea.
"There is a variation of age groups, but we all swim together so we can experience it at the same time," Markin said. "The camaraderie of the swimmers is amazing."
Georgia Norman and Willi Henley perform in the Kerikeri Theatre Company's A Midsummer Night's Dream at Kainui Rd Vineyard last year. Photo / Peter de Graaf
Outdoor theatre
Kerikeri Theatre Company are gearing up for numerous performances of William Shakespeare's timeless classic Romeo and Juliet.
The Summer Shakespeare series at Kainui Road Vineyard will be held from February 20 to 29 and follows rave reviews from the 2019 production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Bring the family, a picnic dinner and enjoy some well-crafted theatre by some of Kerikeri's most exciting performing arts practitioners.
Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's most well known works, and tells the story of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, naive, young lovers from feuding families who fight to uphold their love for one another.
With twists of love, hate and revenge -and the scaling of a balcony - the story ends in tragedy but not without some poignant messages that transcend generations.
Directing for Kerikeri Theatre Company, Janna Sicely has taken from both the historical and modern context, collaborating with artistic designer Kylie Penn, music composer Suzie Hurd and lighting designer Justin Timms in the creation of a visually stunning production with exciting live music.
Tickets cost $30 for adults and $25 for under 18s. Visit http://bit.ly/kainui to book.
Cheeky letter
A petition by a group of enterprising students seeking a day off school in the 1840s is on display at Te Waimate Mission, the historic property in Waimate North cared for by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.
The letter probably dates to either 1843 or 1844 said Te Waimate Mission property lead, Alex Bell.
"The letter was written and signed by 14 students, who wrote to Rev William Cotton – the headmaster of St John's Collegiate School which was based at the mission at the time – seeking a day off so they could celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday," Bell said.
"As an example of spin and persuasion, it's one out of the box."
The boys wrote: "[We] most loyal subjects of her most gracious Majesty Queen Victoria do most humbly petition for a holiday tomorrow being the birthday of our most gracious sovereign and also as think it a most unloyal thing to have any school on such a joyful day hoping that you will grant our request we remain the undersigned…"
There follows a list of signatures of missionary kids from families such as the Kemps, Bakers, Shepherds, Williams, Davies and Clarkes.
"Besides the request for a day off school, which most students would identify with even today, what's quite endearing about the letter is the occasional ink blot where a mistake has been made.
"What's really clever, though, is the suggestion ... that attending school on the Queen's birthday would actually somehow be an act of disloyalty – and that time should be taken to celebrate the Sovereign's birthday in an appropriately joyful way, which presumably ruled out school."
It is not recorded whether the students got their day off or not.
Chica, nearest camera and Tom Brae wow the crowd with their Fireshow at a previous Extravaganza Fair. Photo / John Stone
Extravaganza fair
Interesting market stalls, arts and craft, food, musical entertainment, circus shows and performers will be at the Extravaganza Fair at Waitangi on January 18 and 19.
The family day out will be held at Te Tiriti o Waitangi Marae and features fun activities for the kids including shows and games along with face painting and hair braiding.
There will also be crystals, boho homewares, hats, massage, a hipster tattoo and piercing shop, poi and an open tiny home.
"We're bringing back the 'old school' - join in our sack races, tug of wars and musical bean bags and be in to win prizes," a spokesperson said.
This is the second year the event has been held at Waitangi. Last year was a huge success and heaps of fun, the spokesperson said.
Entry is free.
Visit http://extravaganzafair.co.nz for details.
Snorkel day
Explore the waters of Tapeka Point and learn about kina barrens at the Tapeka Point Snorkel Day on January 18.
Participants could even spot triple-fins and reef fish at the fun event which is located 6km north of Russell and recommended for everyone 5 and up.
All children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult beach observer and experienced guides and advanced safety procedures will be in place on the day.
Bring your own gear or get free hire of masks, snorkels, fins and wetsuits.
Registrations are on the day between 10am and 2.30pm and koha is welcome.
Sponsored by Foundation North and Fish Forever, the event will be dependent on sea and weather conditions, with the back-up day on January 25.
Visit www.emr.org.nz and Facebook for details.
The Tall Ships Regatta will be held on January 11. Photo / Peter de Graaf
Tall ships
The Tall Ships Regatta will be held on January 11.
This is the Southern Hemisphere's premiere tall ships race where vessels come from all over to participate.
It is a spectacle of sail and a light-hearted race of classic vessels organised by the Russell Boating Club. The iconic Bay of Islands event is now open to sailing vessels of all shapes and sizes.
Racing is followed every year by a prizegiving and traditional hangi at the Russell Boating Club with live bands and dancing until late.
For more information, visit russellboatingclub.org.nz/tall-ships and RussellNZ.co.nz
Sandcastle competition
The Rotary Sandcastle competition will be held at Paihia beach at the Kings Rd end on January 11 from 10.30am.
Have fun creating your own masterpiece or admire the work of others'.
*If you have an upcoming event or a snippet of news you'd like to share, email jenny.ling@nzme.co.nz along with your contact details.