Several aspiring Northland baseballers are making their mark at national level, and a surge of youth interest in the sport could lead to more players joining them.
Aotea Parata, Tahu Tawhiwhirangi and Xander King have continued soaring in the sport and, with the backing of Baseball Northland, will play for North Shore to further their progression.
Despite a lingering threat of losing them to other regions, Northland Baseball president Edward Irving is confident the boys will bring back what they have learned to Northland's under-13 and secondary school representative teams.
"Our ultimate goal is to have strong under-15s and under-18s teams that we take to Auckland to play in their competition and, hopefully, take the title in two to three years.
"We have had two players get into the New Zealand Under-16 representative team and Aotea Parata made the cut to travel to South America," he said. "Our failure unfortunately is always funding and player depth ... we will be pushing for a smart business owner to see value in potentially having three NZ rep players under their business brand in 2016."