More than 1000 young athletes will descend on Whangarei this week for the Colgate Games - New Zealands's national junior athletics championships.
The North Island leg of the Colgate Games will be held at the Whangarei athletics track at Kensington Park from tomorrow to Sunday with 1054 young athletes, including 181 from Northland, taking part.
The games are open to athletes from 7 to 14 and have been the launching pad for Olympic silver medallist runner Nick Willis and the next big thing in shot put, Jacko Gill, so the next generation of track and field stars will be on show at Kensington this weekend.
Gill - the youngest male junior world champion and multiple world record holder - said the Colgate Games motivated him to pursue athletics full-time.
His advice to Colgate Games athletes this week isn't as simple as aiming for gold.