Doctor and keen athlete Tom Reynolds will be running the Whangarei Half Marathon hoping to repeat his 2013 first placing. Today, Tom shares some of his expertise before the race, which is part of Sport Northland's annual Run/Walk Series.
The last few days before race day should be easy. The hard work of training is all done. The last week is about putting the finishing touches on preparation and getting into the right headspace for race day.
I've talked about pacing and fuel, another area to spend time is course familiarisation. Have a look online at the course map, perhaps take an easy run on a section of the course and have a read of the advice below.
The course for the half has changed a little this year and now includes Kotuitui Whiti, the new bridge linking the town basin to Okara. The final few kilometres back into town have also changed to follow around the edge of Pohue Island. Both of these changes add more footpaths into the route and remove some straight road running.
The course has a couple of key sections - places where time can easily be lost or gained. The first is the Waimahunga Track.