Most people take public toilets for granted, until they can't find one, but Ahipara turned on a very warm welcome for the "new" amenities that have been installed in the Korora St park.
The neighbourhood park group had good cause to celebrate. It had spent the past two years lobbying the Far North District Council, and now, with support from the Te Hiku Community Board, this first project on the group's park wish list had been completed.
Newly elected Te Hiku Community Board member Jaqi Brown was there to officiate, and to invite youngsters Michael Brown and Maiki Morrogh to cut the ribbon.
Whānau and friends then tucked into a barbecue lunch, provided by Recreational Services, Te Rarawa, Shine on Kaitaia and North Drift Cafe, while Sport Northland provided play and sports equipment for the kids.
"Now families and visitors can enjoy the park for longer periods of time knowing there is a public facility available," Lesley Wallace said.