Only hours after Evolution Mining announced it was starting explorative drilling for gold at Puhipuhi, MineWatch Northland had organised protest action.
The group has called for people to bring spades to a protest at Puhipuhi on Saturday "to help clean up Evolution Mining's Toxic Mess in the Making". Spokesman Tim Howard said a meeting today would determine what that and further action might entail.
Evolution Mining has completed geological surveys and other pre-drilling work at the site and its minerals permit timeframe requires the company start on the explorative stage.
Jackie Hobbins, senior geologist and New Zealand project manager for the Australian company, said that if an economic amount of gold was found mining could not start for at least five years.
Even then, it would depend on the results of environmental, economic and engineering feasibility studies, extensive consultation and having relevant permits and consents, Dr Hobbins said.