Latest from Northland bowls with Gwen Lawson
Latest news from the Northland bowls scene.
Latest news from the Northland bowls scene.
'The community expects a zero tolerance for any violence, gang and drug activities.'
Two-car crash blocks state highway in Kaitaia and diversions are in place.
Aotea Murray was nervous all week ahead of her special job at Saturday's Black Ferns game.
Gangs with guns are dealt another blow as Northland police continue to tackle the problem.
Immigration staff discover group's scheme to exploit refugee and protection system.
Hora Hora Rugby Club abuzz with activities on its 100th this long weekend
The number of daily cases has dropped by almost 1000 compared with a week ago.
A look at Mangonui and Kaitaia Lions Clubs' new twist on longstanding citrus drives.
Totara might not be considered weeds any more, consultant says
The driver of a ute failed to follow a slight kink in the road, causing the crash.
Dogs are often seen as part of the family, so it's no surprise they're in our cars.
Kaitaia College choir is the school's first choir in 26 years.
One major challenge we face as a region is major economic disparity of wealth and income.
The first official trial for Kiwi-grown peanuts has been smooth sailing in Northland.
A new charitable programme is under way to address the poor oral health of Northland kids.
A weekly round-up of news, events and oddities from the Bay of Islands and Mid North.
Winners will host a field day on September 8
Lucille the fur seal took a nap in an Ōtangarei carpark.
Dr Nick Chamberlain is the first permanent appointment at Health NZ.
'Each variant has had different characteristics,' says Ayesha Verrall.
Win is all the sweeter for Taitokerau Border Control given the controversy at the time.
Smokefreerockquest Northland regional heats uncover hidden talent.
Tai Tokerau's education graduates share their learning experiences
After two years of online lessons Yuki can finally meet her teachers and classmates.
Five days of court time needed for Northland's "tooth fairy" case involving 20 witnesses
The change has received praise from the country's oldest and largest animal welfare group.
The latest news from around the region.
Emily Henderson provides insight into what central support is being offered to communities
Kerikeri firm is declared Master Plumber of the Year