The Northern Advocate will be introducing new content when we switch to a morning, compact (tabloid-shaped) format on April 23.
One of the new weekly pages we will be introducing is a Te Maori page.
One of my jobs as editor is to make sure our local paper reflects its community. I think we can do a better job on this one. Hence our Te Maori page.
It will include regular features each week such as Korero Maori, which will introduce readers to everyday Maori phrases. We'll also take you through a basic mihi, so that you can korero in Maori when you share with people, who you are and where you are from.
Plus we're going to test the waters with a marae diary - similar to our Wednesday What's On page. Except that local marae can submit information about events such as hui or unveilings, and we will share it with readers (free of charge). Also, look for explanations about local Maori place names, and local history in our Did You Know? column.