Tenants are facing rising rental costs as property values in the North climb steadily.
The North's property values are not that far behind Auckland - 12 per cent compared to the North's 10 per cent, according to Peter Thompson of Barfoot and Thompson. He said this has resulted in rents rising by 5.5 per cent on average over the last 12 months for a three-bedroom house (to $324) across Northland but only 2 per cent (to $314) in Whangarei.
The biggest rental rise across the district was in Kerikeri - up 17 per cent to an average $363.
Khalin Cook, Barfoot and Thompson Whangarei property manager said she did not believe it was just increasing property values that triggered the rise.
"There's also the rising costs of rates, insurances and other costs incurred to a home owner [which] have an impact on the rental prices as well."