Northern Advocate columnist Vaughan Gunson writes about life and politics.
We are your advocate, Aotearoa. Uncovering stories that matter, asking hard-hitting questions of those in power, live-blogging sport events, monitoring the highs and lows of the NZX and providing Premium expert opinion and analysis. Bringing you distinctive, quality journalism and breaking news from across New Zealand and around the world. With specialists working together to create indepth reads, engaging video, and unmissable podcasts.

Comment: Speed key to securing NZ's snail farming future
Due to our climate and high rainfall, we can grow snails more efficiently

Comment: 'Decent' guy Shaw needs radical ideas to stand chance in election
Shaw's claim that Zero Carbon Act will survive future National-Act governments is 'naive'

Comment: Now is not the time to let Covid guard down
Despite our wish to be done with the virus, Covid hasn't finished with us yet

Vaughan Gunson's take on the best of Elvis Presley
Vaughan Gunson gives his take on the best in music and movies.

Comment: Inflation pain intensified by the housing crisis
Vaughan Gunson deliberates on the Catch-22 the country's social crises face

Tiki Tour exhibition captures the heart and mind
Sometimes it's good to think about the world in a different way.

Comment: Why NZ should go its own way on foreign policy
As ever in world politics, military and economic matters are entwined

Vaughan Gunson: The Revenant second time round makes points that are challenging and worth reflecting on
The second viewing allowed me to better grasp what the film was all about.

Vaughan Gunson: Consolidating innovations in digital health will hopefully help improve health outcomes
Seeing doctors in person remains at the heart of patient-centred healthcare.

Opinion: More beans, the merrier, says Vaughan Gunson
Vaughan Gunson's mind takes a deep dive into thoughts about beans.

Comment: Dining out serves up incredible experience
If there's anything I'd fancy about being super-rich, it would be eating incredible food

Comment: Wealthy nations are the biggest carbon emitters
Some people and countries contribute a lot to global warming and some hardly at all

Vaughan Gunson: It's a big deal. And it's here in Whangārei
It will undoubtedly make a splash in the Māori art world and the wider NZ art scene.

Opinion: Co-governance referendum is not the answer
Opinion: Debate needed on co-governance, not a referendum, writes Vaughan Gunson.

Summer's abundance of kikuyu grass is the stuff of nightmares
Kikuyu grass, like never before, is haunting the dreams of Vaughan Gunson.

Vaughan Gunson: How free public transport could unite us in a crisis
Vaughan Gunson says he got a little emotional at the news of cheaper public transport.

Vaughan Gunson: We all deserve the same water quality
All of the country's water infrastructure assets should be up to the same standards.

The Hundertwasser surrounds and rooftop should be a public space for all to enjoy
Ideally returning locals would be able to enjoy the rooftop and viewing tower for free.

Vaughan Gunson: Protest puts parties' mettle to the test
It's up to all of us, not just the political parties in Parliament, to counter that threat

Edible gardeners put more than food on table
The pleasure of gifting your harvest to others is priceless.

Comment: Make 100km/h the exception, not the rule
There are positives in reducing the speed limit on Northland roads

Vaughan Gunson: Five things about Omicron that will become clear in time
Whatever happens now, it will be new territory for us and the Government.

Vaughan Gunson: Good to see our drinking culture moving closer to the French or Italian model
Health authorities worldwide are telling us to stay away from the booze.

Comment: Shutting out the bad stuff is not an option
Vaughan Gunson's Wednesday column

Vaughan Gunson: Eight-hour Beatles epic is well worth the watch
It's a long and winding road, but the story has a satisfying emotional arc.

Vaughan Gunson: From Oruku Landing to Nats' top job, the issue is fairness
Our local councillors showed themselves to be in sync with the public mood

Vaughan Gunson: On this path, worst-case scenarios for climate change are inevitable
The big players weren't going to agree to anything that held back the economy.

Whangārei water infrastructure A pass sunk by slackers
Cost savings from pooling resources in four regional water entities will be significant.

Oruku millions better landing elsewhere
Money better spent on free bus transport in region, housing, society's urgent problems

Māori vax rates need to be higher, so let's not rush to open up
If it pushes back the easing of lockdowns or opening of borders until after Xmas so be it.

Labour has to change how health workers are managed
Failure to fund health system to avoid staffing shortages contradicts kindness mantra.

How do we convince vaccine hesitant to get jab?
If Delta establishes itself in NZ, you will get it, says Gunson. It's that contagious.

Wobbles aplenty in Labour's party of infrastructure dreams
Might be better to maintain, repurpose, repair what we've got, says Vaughan Gunson.

Tractor-tooting farmers instinctively know what's coming
The age of giant tractors will chug to an end. Smaller farms will find their niche again.

NZ Covid strategy's success gives us options
Covid vaccine producing nations are reluctant to see too many doses leave their borders.

Test cricket one of oddest games devised by humans
We love a narrative that reflects life's ups and downs, disappointments and triumphs

Vaughan Gunson: Let's unpack the transport options
Hard work is needed to promote an alternative vision of transport in Northland.

Cryptocurrencies and kryptonite - super trouble ahead?
Bitcoin millionaires driving around in Teslas while we struggle to pay the power bill?

Relief as National Party's race-card play fizzles
Māori co-governance's rise has probably snuck up on many people, writes Vaughan Gunson.

Getting our heads around NZ health system restructure
Andrew Little has raised issues we're going to be analysing and discussing for some time.

Tax is how we look after each other, says Whangārei MP
Emily Henderson is compassionate and sincere about advocating for social justice.

Poetry is alive and well in Northland
It was amazing to find other people serious about writing poetry.

Time to embark on a state housing mega-build?
Bold interventions vital to ensure all Kiwis have a right to live in an affordable home.

Is the era of affordable international tourism over?
Pandemic fears, climate change may keep holidaymakers closer to home, says Vaughan Gunson.

The responsibilities of citizenship
Hard to obey Covid rules when you're out of sick leave and can't pay the rent.

Vaughan Gunson: Will we end up outsourcing our carbon emissions to other countries?
On closer look there are questions around the Climate Change Commission's advice.

Vaughan Gunson on the Government's decision to remove Māori wards
Law allowing a council decision in favour of Māori wards to be overturned will be removed.

Suspend flights from most at-risk Covid-19 countries
Our borders should be closed to selected countries if the vaccine rollout is months away.

Why Government needs to wield power over social media
Whose job is it to remove content that's untrue or hateful online?

Covid-19 the game-changer for us all
Accepting change, not being bitter about it, is a healthier way to live, says Gunson.

Revolutionary thinking needed to cure housing headache
A poverty pandemic is infecting more of our community. Why isn't something being done?

Democracy tool among many, not just a hammer?
The goal is to achieve the greatest human well-being and reduce harm and suffering.

Māori wards - end of democracy or necessary tweak?
Better to have Māori representatives publicly arguing their views, says Vaughan Gunson.

Comment: Election 2020 - where to from here?
Young and old drawn to Labour and Ardern for different reasons. National take note!

Nothing beats ticking the boxes on election day
Then, with growing anticipation, I'll look forward to watching the election unfold on TV.

Opinion: Why you should vote yes to decriminalise cannabis
Allow others the right to the buzz of their choice. To not to do so would be hypocritical.

A tax policy to rule them all
Vaughan Gunson takes a scalpel to parties' tax policies, stitching together the best bits.

Water flashpoint in climate-change farming collision
Big landowners' high-risk model vies with resilient practices of small organic farmers.

Christopher Nolan's latest movie mind-blowing or...
Serious philosophical musings about time, cause and effect, and human free will in this.

I'm in favour of NZ's elimination strategy - here are 7 reasons why
Better systems and policy will result because Kiwis care how NZ responds to Covid-19.

Vaughan Gunson: Music for these Covid times
Most of us have a history of failed relationships with people.

Hydro storage plan stirs NZ energy use debate
The scheme must be part of a strategy making energy fairly accessible to all of us.

MMP handbrake on pie in the sky election promises
National's infrastructure plan like Christmas in reverse - no tunnel under Cook Strait?

That terrible plan to tax the rich ...
How can the Greens beat-up on a minority like this? This is rich-bashing.

Who's the idiot that let border blunders happen?
Easy to criticise Government for being too strict one day and then too lax on another.

Tortoise and hare race to solve North's rail, road woes
A four-lane highway bypassing the Brynderwyns won't happen, says Vaughan Gunson.

Something has changed since Covid 19 lockdown...
Religious people know time-out for spiritual concerns delivers benefits to body and mind.

Will tomorrow's budget include taxes to pay Covid 19 debt?
Grant Robertson will be delivering what he's dubbed the "Recovery Budget" on Thursday.

Was New Zealand's lockdown an overreaction?
In mid-March a decision had to be made based on what was known and unknown.

Home economy to the fore during lockdown
There's plenty you can do that's valuable to yourself and other people in your life.

Intervention needed to give workers rent relief
Working people should have the same right to residential rent relief as businesses.

Covid-19 crisis a victory for humanity
Something good has kicked in - decisions that will prevent untimely, early deaths.

Proverbs offer lessons in time of crisis
The world will not be the same after coronavirus.

Is a price on carbon emissions fair?
A good ban is equitable, affecting rich and poor, says Vaughan Gunson.

Is Covid-19 the real contagion?
Economic uncertainty and contraction is not unlike a virus, it can spread fast and wide.

Be wary - they're coming after your vote
But turning off or tuning out isn't an option.

Comment: Placing values at the heart of recruitment
None of us can afford to drop the ball when it comes to recruitment, says Northland Inc.