Alison Sofield is a volunteer at the Whangārei Museum.
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Musical instruments to soothe the soul
The melodeon was played in the trenches of the First World War to boost morale.

Our Treasures: Bridal memento lifts veil on traditions
Queen Victoria was the first to wear a white wedding dress

Our Treasures: Striking balloon-back chairs for children to sit on
The 2 balloon-back chairs with red velvet seats came from "Glorat", the Clarke Homestead.

Silver trowel unearths a piece of Whangārei history
The silver trowel was made by Auckland manufacturing jeweller Adolph Kohn.

A lesson in how barometric pressure works
The main work of the barometer is to measure the pressure of the atmosphere.

Quite a story behind museum's 1930s biscuit tin
Peek Freans made 220 million biscuits for France during the Franco Prussian War in 1870.

Our Treasures: Fire screen served decorative function
The screens were often used to hide the fact the ashes hadn't been taken out.

Quite a tale to tell in the humble carpet beater
Rug beaters were popular in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Furniture for children has come a long way
Neither chairs appear particularly comfortable for small bottoms, writes Alison Sofield.

Early 20th century laundry day revisited at museum
Thank goodness for today's modern washers and dryers, says museum collections curator.

Dolly Mare a rocking reminder of bygone era
Museum display upstages modern technology just in time for the school holidays.

Victorian evening cape eye-catching, beautiful, ornate
Clothing through the ages gives us glimpses of the history of mankind.

Scooter days of World War II remembered
A discovery brings back memories of youthful days for museum volunteer Alison Sofield.

Walking stick likely linked to early NZ whaling era
Walking sticks or canes have been around as long as civilisation.

Museum's centrepiece has strong local connection
The epergne was donated to the museum by the Whangārei Ladies Gardening Club.

Tea set with taste of Whangārei
Images of Whangārei Falls, Cameron and Bank Streets adorn these ceramic treasures.

Slate notebook part of writing's journey through history
How did Whangārei Museum's 150-year-old notebook get here?

Tying it all together with Metalace shoe ties
Appearance is everything, apparently, when it comes to shoe fastening inventions ...

An affordable plate for all occasions
The Old Foley Pottery Works produced many thousands of pieces of domestic china.

A weighty matter - balancing act on big scales at museum
Do you remember the Plunket nurse weighing your babies using handheld scales with a hook?

Museum Sweet bus delights likely to stir some memories
Easy to see how the sweets bus, once all the goodies were gone, found a new life as a toy.

Birckensderfer typewriter a marvel of engineering in 1891
The invention's portability was one of its big selling points as well as a full keyboard.

Bagatelle forerunner of modern pinball machines
The museum's pin ball machine was made in the 1940s as part of the war effort.

'Roaring' 20s raised hemlines, oh the freedom!
A mini exhibition of Whangārei in the 1920s will be on at the museum in late September.

1880s German clock one of finest from Victorian era
These clocks were often highly ornate and decorated using wood and porcelain.

Rare sewing box on display at museum
Lucky to have this fine example with almost all the sewing equipment still intact.

Museum's Mrs Potts iron reminder of how far we've come
The arrival of the electric iron in the 20th century revolutionised this household chore.

Calling card cases highlight Victorian-era etiquette
The cases held by the museum would have originated in England in the 1800s.

Nothing square about this Cube teapot
The intention of art deco was to create a sleek and anti-traditional piece of elegance.

Curious green dish in Whangārei Museum collection
The quirky dish is dated 1887 and was no doubt brought here when its owner immigrated.

Museums – the home of our treasures
Whangārei is lucky to have such a fine facility to house the district's history.

There's a ladder in my stocking - shock horror!
Our ancestors wrapped their legs in animal skin; we've come a long way since then...

The humble button's impact understated
"...on that small pivot turns the fortune of such multitudes of men, women and children.."

Our Treasures: A stitch in time
The days when young women were expected to be an excellent seamstress

Foray into old phones at museum fascinates
One of the phones was found in the dirt beneath Whangārei's former Regent Theatre.

'Inside Out' exhibition showcases 20th century underwear
Corsets feature in the exhibition - and they have a fascinating history.

Our Treasures: Mystery surrounds trip around New Zealand photos
Do you know who the adventurous couple in a motorbike and sidecar might be?