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Nim recovering after dog attack

Nim recovering after dog attack

Tessa-Rose Midgley visits her injured 2 year old cat Nimbus every lunch hour while he recovers at Vet One Hastings after two dogs attacked him.

Rikki Morris and the new album

Rikki Morris and the new album

Shannon Johnstone talks to Rikki Morris who will be touring with Th' Dudes this summer and is releasing an album of new material that his late brother Ian wrote. Video Warren Buckland.

 NZ Poet Laureate

NZ Poet Laureate

Poet David Eggleton Inaugurated as New Zealand Poet Laureate at Matahiwi Marae in Hawke's Bay

Rick Barker and cannabis referendum

Rick Barker and cannabis referendum

Rick Barker former Labour party MP talks to Hawke's Bay Today reporter Shannon Johnstone about the upcoming cannabis referendum, which direction he's voting and why. Video Warren Buckland.

Margaret's of Hastings retires

Margaret's of Hastings retires

Margaret says the move into fashion retail came as she is a dressmaker by trade. "Having a shop is the best thing in life really. I've loved every minute." Reporter Shannon Johnstone/Video Warren Buckland