Latest fromHBT - Opinion

Historic HB: Napier nurse killed in truck crash
Patricia's funeral was held in the morning of October 23, 1943

Soldier survived against terrible odds
Stan Esam was brutally treated as a prisoner of war in Japan

From horror to hope - we shall remember them
The lapping waves were the symbol of sobbing hearts and souls.

Opinion: No Anzac crowds but that won't stop us remembering
There is added poignancy this year.

Talking Point: Should Tainui Reserve mountain bike track still be open?
The sport is one of the highest-risk activities there is.

Opinion: Bruce Bisset - plugging in to unreason
We are killing ourselves with our stupidity, says Bruce Bisset.

'Meaningless babble' from US President
The virus itself is nothing to be flippant about but I don't believe I'm doing that.

'Ocean Wave' installed on Marine Parade beach
Ride described as "sickly and whirled dizzily all day ‒ a fearsome contraption".

Artist makes extraordinary works out of ordinary objects
Siddell makes paintings that we can put ourselves into.

Rebalancing is your powerful friend
A good adviser will use an investment strategy as the rulebook.

Politics taking fascinating turn
The political victim will almost certainly be Health Minister David Clark.

Backyard sports make huge comeback
It's great for kids' brain development and builds skills for later in life.

Email spat shows Hawke's Bay DHB is human
Under-pressure DHB members in spat over Flaxmere Covid-19 misinformation.

Good Cheer Depot fed the hungry
In 1932 the unemployment situation in Hastings grew worse

South side of Hastings has seen many changes
All the buildings featured in this photo have long disappeared

Easter: Surreal recollections of a long weekend
Don't knock yourself out this Easter.

Canny View: Dark side with the brightest possibilities
Investing is a long-term game and panic selling can do more harm than good.

Leading lights: Beacons guide ships to harbour
The Beacons were completed in March 1907.

Take a break at home and save lives
Police also have another reminder: observe the speed limits.

Black box secrets will reveal more about Ruby Princess' Napier visit
New questions arise daily over Covid-19 and the cruise ship.

Lights, camera but no action
To keep things simple, all my characters would be called Bob

Messing about in the street
If you have run out of bags, improvise. Take a pooper scooper with you

NZers sacrificed food to help others
Every man, woman, and child under the age of 16 was supplied with a ration book