Week had everyone talking
A successful local celebration of Te Reo Maori had a different look this year.
A successful local celebration of Te Reo Maori had a different look this year.
A new driving service is underway, covering the Tararua District based in Woodville.
Pahiatua cycling team has entered (with success) in Trust House Cycle Series.
Mt Mable Angus 4th annual yearling bull sale at Kumeroa on Monday, September 20.
The trustees of the Waireka Community Trust have extended grant applications.
Ian Harrowfield called time on his 52-year pharmacy career on Friday, September 17.
The movies return to Pahiatua on September 23.
Pahiatua on Track has been functioning successfully for the past 17 years.
The Dannevirke Art Society Annual Exhibition is coming up again in October,
Latest donations will help upgrade heating and kitchen facilities at Ernie Massie Hall.
At Hawke's Bay Boxing Championships, Bams Boxing, Dannevirke had two fighters in the ring.
Club mainstay Derek Falconer says it has much to celebrate at November's 50th jubilee.
Tony Belcher got his Gold Star 25 Years award, Kent Daysh received long service medal
Dannevirke based list a judge Mary Craine has been appointed to the Judges committee.
Mayor Tracey Collis speaks with our district.
Covid alert level 4 is a time 'when the whole community needs to come together'.
Woodville teenagers wanted to play football this season and could not find a school team
Alliance Group has enacted alert level 4 protocols across its sites, including Dannevirke.
Friday 13th might be unlucky for some but it was not for Woodville-Pahiatua Racing Club.
Colleen Daysh scored a hole in one on the 9th hole on Tuesday, August 10. at Pahiatua.
Staff from Pahiatua Hospital and Maternity Annexe gathered in Pahiatua on August 7.
Bush Ruahine hosted the Champion of Champion Zone play-offs.
Managh Electrical celebrates completion of Pahiatua Town Centre Upgrade.
At the ACE) Annual Conference 2021 Tararua received two of the five national awards.
Cautious buyers at Dannevirke Feeder Bull Sale.
The new racing season for the Woodville-Pahiatua Racing Club starts on Friday, August 13.
Great films are coming to The Regent Pahiatua this month.
The students get six elements - and from those must create a play.
Kiwi Lumber employs nearly 60 people and contributes $5 million to Dannevirke economy.
On Saturday July 24, 60 people gathered to commemorate gifting Fountaine Square.