Latest fromBush Telegraph

Unprecedented crisis: Norsewood's troubles with cellphone coverage
Connect Tararua is calling for telcos to provide a solution to Norsewood's poor coverage.

From checkout operator to store owner: Young couple take charge of supermarket
Mason McKeown's journey to supermarket ownership began as a teenager mopping floors.

Spinners and weavers hold open day
Club members can teach those interested in pursuing the hobby.

Danger to dogs from calf feed
It's best for dogs to avoid exposure to ionophore toxicity.

Ahikā roa – the long burning flame
Big decisions: build a new wharenui or restore the old one?

Eketāhuna house fire being treated as suspicious
Emergency services were called to the property around 2am.

RRT turns on a feast and fenceposts for CHB farmers
'By the time we have finished the CHB event we will have handed out about 72,000 posts.'

'I found my niche'. Eketāhuna barber opens up shop
Nick Olliver saw a need in the town he grew up in.

Kāinga Ora commits housing services to Tararua District
Housing support comes to Tararua.

Gold Star: Bernie Hills' significant achievement in Pongaroa volunteer fire brigade
Bernie Hills considers herself lucky with her local brigade.

Manawatū River Leaders Accord can count many achievements, with more to come
Accord partners are working toward improving the health of the river.

Norsewood celebrating 150 years of Scandinavian settlement Labour Weekend
Norsewood's 150th celebrations will be held Labour Weekend.

Dannevirke Spring Festival Garden Ramble set to thrill and amaze
Nine gardens will feature in this year's Garden Ramble.

Stolen vehicles and traffic operation keep police busy
Police have been following up a number of incidents.

Feeder calf sales end with reasonable prices
The feeder calf sales have been pretty good, with steady numbers.

Dannevirke’s Regent committee one year on
A year ago a committee of three took over managing the Regent Cinema.

Hub funding to build resilience in rural communities
The $250,000 is part of a funding package for communities affected by weather events.

The day a Queen, a Prime Minister and an Archbishop visited Dannevirke
The blessing and opening of the wharenui Aotea Tuatoru at Mākirikiri Marae.

Get planning for Dannevirke's Christmas parade
Local organisations told to start planning for the Christmas parade.

Dannevirke team Ruahine Ramblerz marching for wellbeing
An open day for leisure marching featured 13 teams from the lower North Island.

Dannevirke High School senior netball team wins Southern North Island B Grade tournament
The team won all 10 games on the way to the title.

St Anthony's School's Peter Pan show brings laughs and applause aplenty
A student reviews the school production of Peter Pan.

Napier choir to perform concert in Dannevirke
The choir will be performing songs from famous musicals.

‘Like family’ - Raj’s journey from Singapore to NZ citizen
Raj Suppiah fell in love with both his partner and New Zealand.

Strengthening our rural communities
OPINION: Various meetings have been held with local groups.

False alarms get fire brigade hot under the collar
Dannevirke High School and the local fire brigade are taking the matter seriously.

Basketballers in regional championships
The basketball team will be competing in Wellington.

Napier win Ross Shield with near-unprecedented dominance
It is arguably the most dominant performance since the Shield was first presented in 1902.