Treasurer Steve St Merat presents outgoing president Barbara Ferguson with well-deserved flowers for two excellent years at the helm.
Treasurer Steve St Merat presents outgoing president Barbara Ferguson with well-deserved flowers for two excellent years at the helm.
Dannevirke Host Lions has thrived under the leadership of president Barbara Ferguson, who has stepped down after two years.
Two years ago Dannevirke Host Lions was struggling to find a president when Barbara was persuaded to take on the role for the first time. Soon, a team formed with Rosemary Moss as secretary and Steve St Merat as treasurer and the club was away into the new year.
Life Member Maurice Millar receives the Cyril Norris Shield for his great service during the year as vice-president.
The new year involved Cyclone Gabrielle and this united the club under Barbara’s leadership in a series of activities to help the coast and Hawke’s Bay, building relationships that are still strong today.
Past president Barbara Ferguson presents her outgoing secretary, Rosemary Moss, with a trophy to thank her for all her hard work.
The combination proved so effective Barbara and her team stayed on for a second year, and now with John Forbes taking on the presidency once more when the club held its change of officers evening.
The new Dannevirke Host Lions board led by John Forbes with past district governors Marianne Domper-Schrivers and Simon Domper.
Past district governor Simon Domper presents new president John Forbes with his gong.
In her speech Barbara said the club “has been a great interest for me”.
“I am really proud of what, as a small group of men and women, we achieved during our Lion year.
“Once again, we have done the Senior Citizens Christmas Party, run the Diabetes Walk, distributed the Easter Buns, held the Smallholders Auction, and have expanded the running of the Lion’s Den, as well as attending the blood donor collection and collecting for various causes outside New World like Red Puppy.”
She said she was particularly proud of Lions picking up the Anzac Concert at the Town Hall this year.
“We received many thanks from those who attended.”
Steve St Merat presented Barbara with a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for her wonderful leadership as president for two years.
He spoke of how she had made the Lions club visible in the town, how she had bonded the club together, and had been a working president — even when unwell.
Lions meanwhile continues with its usual activities, next on the calendar being the annual book sale starting in the Town Hall on Friday, July 19, from 9am-4pm, again on Saturday 9am-4pm, ending on Sunday, July 21, from 10am-2pm.