Te Whare Taiao o Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua held a one-day climate change wānanga on Monday, June 24, at Mākirikiri Marae in Dannevirke.
The purpose of this initial wānanga is to raise whānau awareness on the impacts of climate change. We wanted to know what climate change is, how we’re affected, and what we can do about it. The wānanga also examined the effects climate change has on our communities, using Cyclone Gabrielle as a reference tool, and considered how we can strengthen our resilience for future extreme weather events as they become more commonplace. Attendees had the opportunity to discuss and determine ways we can minimise climate change effects both as an individual and collectively.

Learning more about climate change helps prepare communities for untimely natural disaster events so that our homes and neighbourhoods can be safe havens where we can live and thrive with confidence.
The key outcomes are that whānau gain knowledge and understanding on climate change and its consequences. Encouraging changes in behaviour by promoting sustainable practices, and building resilience in the face of climate change, we look to a more sustainable and safe future for all.