Tim Clayton claimed a silver medal at the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Turin. Video / Rafaella Melo
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Napier’s Tim Clayton secures silver at Winter Special Olympics in Italy, just 0.1s from gold
Tim Clayton claimed a silver medal at the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Turin. Video / Rafaella Melo

Hawke’s Bay woman among first females at national digger competition
The competition challenges operators with precision tasks, such as painting, pouring water into a glass, opening a beer bottle and picking up an egg.

Te reo Māori Shrek features Hastings' Jeremy Macleod as Lord Farquaad
A classic film, now told in te reo Māori. Shrek returns to the big screen, with a Hawke's Bay voice bringing Lord Farquaad to life. Video / Rafaella Melo - Hawke's Bay Today

Art Deco Festival: Flyover in one of NZ's oldest passenger planes
Flyover of Napier in one of NZ's oldest passenger planes, a de Havilland DH-84 Dragon, to celebrate Art Deco Festival. Video / Gary Hamilton-Irvine

Eskdale man refuses buyout, stays on ancestral land after Cyclone Gabrielle
Cyclone Gabrielle floodwaters destroyed Waikato Gray’s Eskdale home in February 2023. He refused a council buyout, staying on his ancestral land in a caravan. Video / Rafaella Melo

Watch: Abundance of Marine Life in Hawkes Bay
Harry Machiela captured underwater footage of the healthy marine life off Hardinge Road, Ahuriri. Video / Harry Machiela

Napier’s Bella Hey wins top NZ jazz dance award for fourth year
Young dancer Bella Hey tops NZ jazz exams for the fourth consecutive year. Video / Rafaella Melo

Mascot race delights at Colgate Games in Hawke’s Bay
Swoop the Magpie, Hawky the Hawk, and Seamore the Seagull compete at the mascot race at the opening of the 2025 North Island Colgate Games at Mitre 10 Sports Park in Hastings.

Coastal litter sparks community concern
Awatoto and Te Awanga littered with rubbish, locals call for more bins. Video / Rafaella Melo

Car crashes into The Coffee Club in Taradale, Napier
A car drove through the front of The Coffee Club in Taradale, Napier, causing damage to the front of the store. Video / Supplied

Aftermath of serious bus crash transporting RSE workers to Hawke's Bay
Watch emergency services responding to the bus crash carrying RSE workers. Video / Supplied

Hawkes Bay Today reporter test drives bridge after ‘truckers 'unnerved’ by creaking noises.
Truck driver says the drive across the bridge is “un-nerving" as it creaks and groans. Video / Michaela Gower

Hastings store owner violently pushed to the ground by customer
Han Zheng said the man became angry over a 5G connectivity issue with his phone. Video / Han Zheng

Truck on fire explodes on Napier street
Witnesses say they think a tyre blew during the fire, with an explosion that sent a plume of flame and smoke out. Video / Margie McAleese

Tararua District toll road protest
Tararua District residents, including Mayor Tracey Collis marched to protest against the proposed toll on Te Ahu a Turanga Manawatu-Tararua Highway. Video / Hawkes Bay Today

Hawke's Bay Coffin Club celebrates 10 years of making coffins
Customise your coffin with the Hawke's Bay Coffin Club members. Video / Michaela Gower

Neil Paton and Brad Edwards prepare for firefighting challenge
Neil Paton and Brad Edwards prepare for firefighting challenge Championship in Nashville. Video / Michaela Gower

Cricket team tackle challenge for Blair Tickner's wife's cancer journey
Central Stags cricket team fundraising for Ozanam House Palmerston North and Cure Leukaemia UK. Video / Michaela Gower / Hawke's Bay Today

Hawke's Bay Airport's new fire truck "Judy Drench"
Hawke's Bay Today takes a ride on Hawke's Bay Airport's new fire truck "Judy Drench". Video / Mitchell Hageman

Family appeal for more information after car rammed
A ute rams Jonzy Brandt's unoccupied car during a late-night hit and run in Hastings. Video / Supplied

Locals on edge after man nicknamed "Waipawa Prowler" continues spate of burglaries
Security footage captures the "Waipawa Prowler" on resident's property. Video / Supplied

Waipawa butchery apprentice primed for Paris
Rhys Tamanui shows what it takes to be a cut above the rest. Video / Michaela Gower

Hawke's Bay boy with cerebral palsy walking unassisted after surgery
Seven-year-old Rocco Green needed walking aids to get around before he got Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery in the US thanks to fundraising. Video / Ashlee Green

Napier Pottery Club celebrates 70 years
Hawke's Bay Today reporter Mitchell Hageman tries his hand at Pottery as a local club celebrates 70 years of ceramics and smiles. Video / Mitchell Hageman

Norfolk pine cut down along Napier's Marine Parade
Norfolk pine cut down along Napier's Marine Parade. Video / Doug Laing

Farming for the future
Hawke's Bay's Thomsen family rise from the mud after Cyclone Gabrielle

Mum of 5 toddlers chats to Hb Today
Joanne Wills mum of 5 toddlers including quadruplets sits down to chat with Hawke's Bay Today reporter James Pocock

Mighty Mitch v ACJ
Hawke's Bay Today reporter Michell Hageman also kind of known loosely as Mighty Mitch goes er toe to toe against Impact Pro Wrestling fly weight championship contender ACJ.

Hastings Tōmoana Showgrounds grandstand demolition
Demolition is set to be completed at the end of August. Video / Paul Taylor

Seal hunts eel in creek near Taradale
A passerby captured the moment a roaming kekeno caught an eel in Taipo Stream near the Napier suburb of Taradale, about 5km from the ocean. Video / Supplied

Masked men throw 'fire bomb' at vehicle in Dannevirke
A Dannevirke family watched as their ute went up in flames. Video / Annette Lilo

Leopards Go Wild
The Leopard Family have spent 20 months on the road living in a caravan and have no plans on stopping. Video / Leopardsgowild: Michael Leopard

Hastings model railfan
Hastings Model Railway Club enthusiast Tony Simons is building a railway based on an old South Island coal mining village. Video / Warren Buckland

Kōkako Award winner Lydia Clark
11-year-old Lydia Clark and 15-year-old brother Finn chats to James Pocock from Hawke's Bay Today

Hawke's Bay's bareknuckle boxer
Cannon Williams chats to Hawke's Bay Today reporter James Pocock on his hopes to become a bare knuckle boxing champion. Video Paul Taylor

86 year old Hastings gym enthusiast
86 yr old Hastings gym enthusiast Patrick O'Neil loves exercise. He says it's good for the body and good for the mind. Video / Warren Buckland

Vanuatu RSE workers stranded in Hawkes Bay
Air Vanuatu has grounded all flights leaving Vanuatu RSE workers stranded in Hawkes Bay. Reporter James Pocock / Video Warren Buckland

Redclyffe substation to be rebuilt higher
Transpower and Unison announced that strengthening, raising and improving the Redclyffe substation at its current location was the preferred way forward for both.

Kāinga Ora Napier social housing open day
New social housing open day at Maraenui, Napier. Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities has a large build programme underway. There are about 400 new state homes in the pipeline.