However, in the third spell the visitors went into overdrive with a 30-18 statement that the Hawks had few answers for.
US import forward Kareem Johnson top scored for the Hawks with 21 points while Hawks Bay-born forward Arthur Trousdell offered 18 points and collected six rebounds.
Trousdell gave the Pettigrew-Green Arena faithful something to cheer about when he turned around to drop a basket under pressure from the Sharks defenders on the halftime buzzer.
Matt Te Huna scored 14 points and made three assists while fellow guard Willie Stinnett added seven.
The Hawks won the second quarter 36-22.
For the Southerners, Australian import swingman Nick Kay has registered a double-double 29 points and a dozen rebounds, seven defensively.
Point guard Derone Raukawa offered 24 points, Bay-born Everard Bartlett added 20 points and provided seven assists while imposing centre Alex Pledger added 13pts and 8 rebs.
The Hawks started the spell slowly but coach Kirstin Daly-Taylor made some changes from the bench to provide some movement and impetus to their cause as they trailed 11-15 deep into the spell.
However, Sharks coach Judd Flavell had a chat with Raukawa to run away with a 25-14 lead at the buzzer.
Sharks import guard Jordair Jett is out injured but watching from the bench and so is Hawks counterpart and co-captain Chris Porter.
Hawks guard Paora Winitana, again, didn't play because of his religious beliefs.