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Side sleeping in pregnancy best
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard talks about side sleeping during pregnancy
What should your partner do while you're in labour?
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard talks about the partner's role during labour
Labour tips for first time mums
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard talks about the stages of labour.
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Morning sickness rears its head for parents to be
Childbirth and parenting educator Janine Gard talks about morning sickness
Advice for new parents to negotiate the right path
Antenatal educator Janine Gard gives advice for new parents.
When morning sickness becomes debilitating
Birth and parenting educator Janine Gard shows how to get through it.
The baby shower binds people together
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard talks about baby showers and their history.
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Questions people think it's okay to ask while you're pregnant
Antenatal and birth educator Janine Gard writes a weekly column for the community papers.
Cravings, pica and aversions - are they good or bad?
Pregnancy and birth educator Janine Gard talks about cravings during pregnancy.