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Showing 85 results
Janine Gard: Breast vs bottle
Parenting expert Janine Gard discusses the pros and cons of bottle and breastfeeding.
Janine Gard: The perks of pregnancy
Your body is converted into a space for your baby to develop and grow.
Janine Gard: What is a molar pregnancy?
A molar pregnancy — also known as hydatidiform mole — is a rare complication of pregnancy.
Janine Gard: What do labour contractions feel like?
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard talks about what labour contractions feel like.
Janine Gard: Formula and tips for bottle feeding
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard gives tips about bottle feeding.
Janine Gard: Why midwives advise against shaving before childbirth
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard poses the birth dilemma - shave or not to shave?
Postnatal depression - a partner's perspective
Birth and parenting expert Janine Gard talks about postnatal depression.
Janine Gard: Touched out and desperate for space
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard talks about mums feeling all touched out.
Janine Gard: Lotus not just a pretty flower
Birth and parenting educator Janine Gard talks about lotus birth.
Janine Gard: Diabetes in pregnancy
Parenting and birth educator Janine Gard talks about gestational diabetes.