There is an action-packed lineup of free events planned for 2023 Youth Week, to help Hastings youth not only connect but celebrate the talents, passion and success of local young people.
Run by Ara Taiohi, it will take place from May 15 to 21, under the theme “Rangatira mō āpōpō? Rangatira i tēnei rā! – Leaders of tomorrow? Leaders for today!”
Hastings Youth Council, council youth co-ordinators and the council’s Mahi for Youth connectors have been working together to support this kaupapa and put on events including a “3 Point Shoot Out” basketball competition, and a PS4 Gaming Night.
The week will finish with a Youth Expo at Flaxmere Community Centre, which will be an opportunity for rangatahi and their families to meet representatives from the different services available to support them.
Emma James, Hastings District Council’s youth lead community well-being and services, explained that youth week is a chance to engage with those young people who wouldn’t normally visit the council’s community centres.