Green MP Gareth Hughes raises some interesting issues in his Talking Point article on solar energy use in New Zealand.
The research Unison has undertaken certainly supports his comments regarding the motivations driving people to install solar energy systems.
As the electricity distributor for Hawke's Bay, Taupo and Rotorua, Unison has seen a steady flow of applications for distributed generation connections, and we have undertaken our own research into the potential benefits of this technology for customers, and also what, if any, impacts the uptake of solar energy will have on Unison's future network design.
Certainly the reduction in buy-back rate has impacted the potential financial benefits to customers and, with the Electricity Authority reviewing tariff structures in light of the increasing uptake of solar, the economics may change in the future.
As a result of our experiences to date, we have developed a neutral online resource for customers to gain impartial information on solar energy, based on our data from solar energy trials, and our understanding of industry trends and forecasts.